Mobile NFL Betting

Anyone playing, watching or betting on an American National Football League (NFL) game can rest assured that they will enjoy a game of the highest standards. The League may be based in the United States, but it has a loyal following right here in South Africa, and with today’s technological advances it can be enjoyed with a braai just as easily as with a Yankee barbecue. Punting on your smartphone means you can take the fun with you wherever you go, but the same guidelines to wagers apply everywhere. To learn more about successful NFL betting, read our pointers below.

Possibilities in NFL Betting

One of the things that keeps NFL bets so fresh and new is the fact that so many different kinds can be placed. As always, we recommend thorough research before you put any money down. Read up on expert opinions of players and teams and check their recent history. The more time you spend on the South African live mobile betting sites that we review, the more you will have a feel for the punts that work for you. To get you going, we have listed the most common NBA possibilities here.

  • You can buy points for the side you want to back in a Point Spread game, effectively reducing their handicap.
  • Simple Single bets are placed on single events. These are a great place for beginners to start. The easiest way is to bet on the Point Spread, or Money Line when there is no Spread.
  • Multi Single bets are a bit more advanced, allowing you to bring all single wagers together into one pool where they are still all individually processed. You can even bring single bets you make in other sports events into your NFL betting blends.
  • Parlay bets are another popular smartphone choice as your punting adventures progress, allowing you to place as many as twelve bets at a time. There is quite a lot of risk, because they are all treated as one and so each must be successful for you to be paid out. However, the rewards are usually just as impressive as the risks.
  • Round Robins are a specialised form of Parlays involving s minimum of three sets in parlays where two teams go against each other. Teaser bets are also specialised Parlays and involve the lines of all games being adjusted to increase the chances of a beneficial outcome. The advantages you get from this are balanced out by reduced payouts.
  • Punts called If bets are only triggered only if a preceding wager is successful, making your overall risk profile on each wager lower.
  • Finally, Reverse bets require you to predict the teams that will place second and first in the League. Because the order doesn’t matter, your risk is reduced and these can be really lucrative.

NFL Sports Betting Skills

The more you engage in NFL betting, the better you will be and the more you will enjoy it. Practice makes perfect and you do need to put the time in, but it’s a great adventure and your smartphone will allow you to do it wherever and whenever is most convenient. We rate the best South African mobile betting sites which offer betting on this American Football league and ensure you can enjoy international and local wagering action at your fingertips.